Perks & Benefits

flexible schedules

Earn, learn, and live on your own time with work schedules that give you the freedom to work the hours that suit you.

competitive pay
Earn money with good starting pay. Wages differ by location; learn more about your starting pay at your local McDonald’s restaurant.

world-class training
Learn skills that can help you at work and in your everyday life - like face-to-face communication and effectively working in a team environment!

why join our team?

restaurant employee rewards
Get recognized for your hard work with awards and restaurant employee appreciation events.

Save money on everything from groceries to movie tickets with McDPerks employee discounts offered at participating restaurants.

make new friends
Laugh and have fun with the great people you’ll be working shoulder to shoulder with. 

diversity in the workplace
When you mix people from all different backgrounds, you get a great place to work. And as equal opportunity employers, McDonald’s and its franchisees are committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive workforce for all.

for our Veterans
Just like you, we have a commitment to service. And through that commitment, we aspire to connect with America’s military men, women and spouses, and develop long-lasting relationships.  McDonald’s and its participating independent franchisees have created thousands of career opportunities and jobs for Veterans, helped Veterans obtain management positions, and launched a Veteran Spouse recruitment program, all while providing support through a Veteran Employee Resource Group.

It's a PERFECT MATCH ! ! !